Emmanuel Van der Auwera: A Thousand Pictures of Nothing

7 September - 16 December 2023 
OPENING on Thursday, September 07, 2023.
17:00 - 21:00 
Viewing room here

A Thousand Pictures of NothingEmmanuel Van der Auwera’s third solo exhibition with the gallery, reflects on a world, which seems to reject rationality, reason and physical reality for technological myths, emotional politics and conspiracy-ridden claims. Continuing to investigate the impact of automation, image circulation and digital culture, Van der Auwera straddles the digital and the analogue, interested less in scientific promise than its impact on the human condition, mental wellbeing and contradictions in perception of possibilities for a better world. Scrolling through pressing social topics and major events, works in the exhibition incorporate both emerging and traditional technologies to explore the influence of media, regulation and the radical shaping of opinion in the post-truth era. These include ‘VideoSculptures’, a film constructed with audio and video AI tools as well as a selection of ‘Mementos’ adding to his acclaimed series and unique collaboration with technicians at a Belgian newspaper production plant. The archeology of mass media and documentary approaches within a generative digital space connect the various modes of production.