Andrea Éva Győri

January 17, 2019

HD, 16:9, color, 10 min.
Sound, Hungarian w ENG subtitles
Edition of 5 + 2 AP


In Chestmassage, we see a mother and daughter move from an intimate chest massage into a library. An argument arises where the mother proposes the importance of large breasts, their femininity, history, and cultural benefits. Disagreeing with these conventions, the frustrated daughter has an outburst, kicking over books and furniture, and ripping her shirt to shreds, revealing an operated, breastless chest. In a bathroom, the chest massage continues, leaving us to wonder whether the argument really transpired, or if it is merely a
vision of the struggles and questions in women's heads.

My artistic practice consists of personal relationships and grows by creating intimate spaces and atmospheres of trust, through a range of mediums. When I create a safe space with someone, I have the possibility to share intimate moments of talking, eating, sleeping, drawing, or recording. These moments can only happen with a basis of unconditional trust, when personal borders are in constant flux and floating around feelings like excitement, fun, enjoyment, and also pain. My work develops on the edge of these fluctuating, sensitive personal boundaries. In my artistic practice, I aim to create a possibility of exchange, a special way of communicating. My intention is to develop a system that provides an opportunity to observe and show personal stories – directly connected to real life – about relationships between children and parents, families from different social backgrounds, formed by and the result of the structure of society.