While in Florida gathering material for his two films The Death of K9 Cigo and The Sky is on Fire, Emmanuel Van der Auwera took a series of photographs related...
While in Florida gathering material for his two films The Death of K9 Cigo and The Sky is on Fire, Emmanuel Van der Auwera took a series of photographs related to American gun culture and the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, Florida. These images, revealing both beauty and brutality with bits of Bauhaus and a lead blossom, are named after Stoneman Douglas’ compilation of short tales Nine Florida Stories. A selection of four of these photographs are for a limited time available exclusively alongside the artist's first monograph Emmanuel Van der Auwera: A Certain Amount of Clarity. With contributions by Hans De Wolf, Caroline Dumalin, Harlan Levey, Justine Ludwig and Ive Stevenheydens, the book is designed by Bureau Wolewinski and published by Mercatorfonds and Yale University Press.