Welcome To The Gallery: Sean Crossley, Adam Leech, Leander Schönweger

22 June - 13 July 2024 

Featuring works from Sean Crossley,  Adam Leech and Leander Schönweger.


The gallery welcomes three Brussels artists, each a laureate of the country’s top residency programs and active participant in the Belgian and international scenes.

Adam Leech’s video installation, The Gallery Assistant, sets the tone. A follow up to his work The Clairvoyant Guide, created during a residency in Ghent at the SMAK (Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst), this sequel skims the surface of the gallery ecosystem and opening night ethos. It’s slightly tongue in cheek, melodic and to the point, reminding us of the truth in every joke and of how economic structures can dampen creative glow.

Next to Leech’s new video and related mixed-media paintings is Sean Crossley’s Excess/Support. This series of 100 small paintings was started during Crossley’s residency at the WIELS Centre for Contemporary Art, and recently finished. It captures five years of the artist’s experimentation, developing a conceptual and technical vocabulary for previous exhibitions as well as for future projects. In addition to the paintings, the gallery is honored to release a book dedicated to this project. Excess/Support is published by Mer. Paper Kunsthalle. 

In addition to Leech and Crossley, we’re pleased to present sculptures of Leander Schönweger for the first time. His series of cages play with architecture and psychology, social codes, power dynamics, freedom and responsibility, as they operate on aesthetic and performative levels to stage various experiments. Some of them are scaled for humans, and those who seek experiential input are invited to lock themselves up. We promise the gallery assistant will let you out if her heavy heart hasn’t already plucked her from the party and brought her back into more mundane administrative tasks.