A painting that takes stock of the recipe for Bouillon de Volaille taken from Ferran Adrià’s family cooking, pg 57. 'This new set of paintings Sean said are looking at...
A painting that takes stock of the recipe for Bouillon de Volaille taken from Ferran Adrià’s family cooking, pg 57.
"This new set of paintings Sean said are looking at you, they’re looking at each other, in conversation with one another. I could imagine a dance like the menuet, which reminded me of his Holbein work you presented last year in Dallas, the dance macabre embedded in one of those and copying and time and history and now. The space between the work is critical to the work itself. Sean emphasized this point at the end of our talk too. (...) What about the stock? The cook, television screens, recipes, conventional painting, that’s what a family recipe is all about, it’s repeated handed down, more copying, doubling, repeating all the way to a Michelin star." (excerpts from "Artists talking (around) painting", a conversation between TR Ericsson and Sean Crossley, 2019)