Can a work of art retain its meaning and beauty without any compromise to the ugly truths it may contain? TR Ericsson's cocktail paintings consist of blown-up snapshots created with materials that reveal the complexity of the filial bond and the impact of one generation on another. They are infused with nicotine and alcohol, haunted images glittering with gold. The tobacco-brown B side of each painting divulges elements of his archive in a compositional approach operating between literature, philosophy, and intimate confession. This four piece vignette expands from the intimate into universal declarations on time, love, loss, memory and addiction.
Since the untimely death of his mother in 2003, TR Ericsson has obsessively constructed an expansive and conceptual mixed-media project investigating the lives of the artist, his family and the changing cultural landscape that impacted each generation. At the core of his practice is a desire to understand what one can know about another’s suffering and the value of that understanding.
TR Ericsson talks about his nicotine works, their stability, and his new body of cocktail paintings.
TR Ericsson, A Still Life, 2024
TR Ericsson, A Still Life (B side), 2024